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Java - Classes and Objects Example //Employee Class (Base class) public class Employee { int Empno; String name; String telephone; double basicsalar; double othrs; double otrate; double netSal; public double calcNetSalary(){ return basicsalar + othrs * otrate; } public void displayNetSalary() { netSal = basicsalar + othrs * otrate; System.out.println("Net Salary: "+netSal); } //Set name public void setName(String name) { = name; } //Set telephone public void setTelephone(String telephone) { this.telephone = telephone; } //Set Empno public void setEmpno(int Empno) { this.Empno = Empno; } //Set OT hours public void setOthrs(double othrs) { this.othrs = othrs; } //Set OT Rate public void setOtrate(double otrate) { this.otrate = otrate; } //Set OT Rate public void setBasicsalar(double basicsalar) { this.basicsalar = basicsalar; } } //Manager Class public class Manager extends Employee {

Quick Reference Card - MS Office Excel

Here are some printable Quick Reference Cards for Microsoft Office Word 2013. I used these QR cards in my classes ad they were effective and very useful. Hope you will use these cards too. All are in A4 size. To download, Right Click on the image -> Save as  -> set folder and save Side1 Side 2

Quick Reference Card - MS Office Word

Here are some printable Quick Reference Cards for Microsoft Office Word 2013. I used these QR cards in my classes ad they were effective and very useful. Hope you will use these cards too. All are in A4 size. side 1 side 2

Sahodaraya Tele Drama - Theme Song

Story revolves around a life story of a journalist , who stands against social injustice and political corruption. Stars: Kalani Dodantenna, Thumindu Dodantenne, Roshan Ravindra ඉතිහාසයේ ආදරේ පුරාවෘත්ත දැවී හළු වී ගියාවේ අවැසි නම් අතීතයේ සිනා සිසිලස මතක සුළඟ විත් දුර ඈත ගෙන ගියාවේ... නුඹම උරුම කළ රිදුනු මතකය වුවත් මට ඇති මට ඇති Ithihaasaye adare purawurtha Dawi halu wi giyaawe Awasi nam athethaye sina sisilasa Mathaka sulangawith Dura atha gena giyawe Numbama uruma kala Ridunu mathakaya wuwath Mata athi mata athi

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Freelancer .com  is a marketplace of ideas, skills, and talents where anyone can work on what they love. The website has been up and running for about six years now and it has since launched many products and features to help both employers and freelancers get work done. Because of the platform's vastness, it may seem too daunting for a newbie. Click Here to create Freelancer Account Click Here to create Freelancer Account If you have any questions, check our  FAQ  or comment below!

Top 5 Vulnerabilities for future Hackers!

Access control, sometimes called authorization, is how a web application grants access to content and functions to some users and not others. These checks are performed after authentication, and govern what ‘authorized’ users are allowed to do. Access control sounds like a simple problem but is insidiously difficult to implement correctly. A web application’s access control model is closely tied to the content and functions that the site provides. In addition, the users may fall into a number of groups or roles with different abilities or privileges. Developers frequently underestimate the difficulty of implementing a reliable access control mechanism. Many of these schemes were not deliberately designed, but have simply evolved along with the web site. In these cases, access control rules are inserted in various locations all over the code. As the site nears deployment, the ad hoc collection of rules becomes so unwieldy that it is almost impossible to understand. Many of these

JAVA Hello World Samples

Java • 1991 - James Gosling, Sun Microsystems, Inc. • Originally a platform independent language for programming home appliances and was called “Oak” later renamed “Java” in 1995. • Later (1994) used for World Wide Web applications (since byte code can be downloaded and run without compiling it) • Eventually used as a general-purpose programming language (for the same reason as above plus it is object-oriented) • Why the name “Java”? Java was then named “Java”, paying homage to the large amounts of coffee consumed by the team. • Now owns by Oracle • Full-fledged application programming language • Additional capability as a Web programming language (currently the strength of its application base) • A pure OO programming language • NOT radical or especially new • Adopts its looks from C++, and its behavior from Smalltalk • Compiled to processor-neutral instruction set then interpreted on each supporting platform • Extremely fast adoption rate! (d