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Singlish to Sinhala Converter for PC

Singlish to Sinhala Realtime Converter ===== Less Requirements Size:  430 KB O/S : Windows xp, Windows vista, Windows 7 , 8, 8.1, 10 Ram: 256Mb Mode: Offline | Real-time application ===== No need to install. It's portable! 1. Download the software from Here! . 2. place the software anywhere you want. 3. Click on it and play! It's portable. You can copy it into your pen drive any run on any computer. ===== Learn to type in Singlish you can learn to type in singlish by referring the transliteration scheme.  Learning tutorial for singlish Click here to Download

Configuring a Computer Q&A

Computer Science Questions and Answers C h apter - 1   C o nfig u ring a Computer Question Set 1 1.     Name the comp o nents of CPU Ans.     a) ALU        b) PC        c) Accumulator        d)   MAR          e) IR     f) ID   g) MDR 2.    What is the use of registe r s in CPU? Ans.   I t is u s e d to store interm e d i ate d a t a and i n s t r u c t ions. 3.     What is the function of M AR? Ans.     I t s p ecifies t he ad d ress of m em o r y loca t i o n f r o m w h ich d a t a or instru c t ion is t o be a c cessed or t o   whi c h the d ata is to be sto r ed. 4.     What is the function of M D R / MBR? Ans.     I t contains the d ata to be w r itten into or re a d f r om m e mory location addressed by MAR. 5.     What is p r og r am counter? Ans.     I t keeps t r ack of the memo r y ad d r ess of t he ins t r uc t ion